We hope you will enjoy learning about our faith-filled Catholic community through our website. Please be sure to join us for Mass. Fr. Kevin, Deacon Mike, Deacon Eric and our parish family warmly invite you. Weekend Masses are at 4pm Saturday or 8am and 10:30am Sunday.
FUNERALS: If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, we at Saint Francis Parish want to express our sympathy for your loss. Please click the box below for resources regarding funerals at St. Francis.
More info on Funerals
STEPHEN MINISTRY: If you or someone you know is going through a difficult time, our trained Stephen Ministers are here to walk that journey with you. Visit here for more information.
Learn about our Stephen Ministry
PRAYER LINE: If you or a loved one is in need of prayer, our "prayer warriors" will pray confidentially for your intentions, and only first names will be used. To submit a request to the Prayer Line:
Email our Prayer Line
We send out a newsletter about once a week as well as short announcements when needed. If you are not receiving our updates, please sign yourself up here:
Sign up for Email Updates
With our QR code, simply point your phone camera at the QR code and follow the prompts to donate. Thank you for your support of St. Francis Parish!
Live Stream through our website includes all weekend Masses, daily Mass, Adoration, funerals, weddings and more.
Live-Stream through our Website
YouTube Live-Stream for Sat. 4pm and Sunday 10:30am Masses. To access our YouTube Channel, click box below:
St. Francis YouTube Channel
Our parish is known for being deeply rooted in our faith while also serving others in Christ's name. From helping the homeless in Lowell to gardening for the families of the Merrimack Valley Food Bank to gathering in prayer and serving at the altar, we have ministries and groups at St. Francis for all ages. Please join us!
Visit our Groups Page