RCIA is the process by which parishes welcome new members into the Catholic Church. RCIA is not about participating in a program or course of study. Instead, it is a process of education, faith sharing, and rituals that prepare individuals to discern how best to grow in relationship with God. It is a process of coming to know Jesus Christ on a personal level.
Who is RCIA for?
The Rite of Christian Initial of Adults (RCIA) is primarily designed for:
What are my Obligations?
There is no obligation on the part of anyone to “join the church.” There is no cost. You only need the desire to learn more about the Catholic faith. What happens next is up to you.
If you’re interested in participating in RCIA, please contact us at 978-452-6611 or [email protected], or fill out the Contact Form.
Adult Confirmation is for those persons who have reached their 18th birthday or are older, who are Baptized in the Catholic church and have already received First Holy Communion and, for whatever reason, have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
If you’re interested in Adult Confirmation, please contact us at 978-452-6611 or [email protected], or fill out the Contact Form.
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